Monday, May 5, 2014

why modi for now??

                                      Why MODI FOR NOW??

        After 60 years of independence, India is at a crucial juncture. What India is going to do in the next 5-20 years going to set the stage for not only the Indians but also for the entire south Asian region and eventually the world as well? There is no doubt that we are a country of immense talent esp. the 55% of the population in the age group of 25-59 years is the highest in the world. This demographic advantage, if not tapped properly, the young population who are high on aspiration, if not given opportunities to excel will definitely become a demographic night mare and the consequences will be fatal. So, the panacea for the problems India confronts today is growth, development and job creation.

          India is predominantly an agricultural country with more than 55% of the population still depend on the agriculture either directly or indirectly. Whereas the contribution of agriculture to the GDP is only 4%    , the overall investments in the sector including the subsidies are growing at an annual CAGR of 14%. It means, the amount of money going into the sector is not commensurate with its productivity and efficiency. The result is the increasing farmer suicides. The so called farmer friendly govts of congress at the center and states like Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh have seen more number of farmer suicides than any other state.

       In the past 10 years india neither created enough jobs in manufacturing sector nor could able to increase the employment in the non-farm agriculture dependent sectors for rural youth. So, the problem is compounding. There is no manufacturing growth so, no jobs there and agriculture has been losing its sheen. The tertiary sector like the IT, tourism, banking, trade, hotel management etc is the only one which created some opportunities but is largely grabbed by those who are already well educated and from middle class. So ,The bottom of the pyramid population finding jobs as agricultural laborers  or migrating to the cities and working as  construction workers , brick kilns workers , industrial workers , street vendors , watch men and doing jobs at paltry wages which do not offer any kind of social security  and some resorted to crime having found no option. Are the previous govts are not responsible for their misery and increasing social and economic inequalities??
          The previous 10 year misrule of the congress headed UPA government which has sunk it’s head deep in corruption charges, has added as many scams(2G , common wealth , coal gate , mining scams etc) as the populist schemes to its name failed miserably in many fronts including the creation of adequate jobs and quality employment. The promises made were largely confined to the papers and there is little change at the ground level. The governance structures have collapsed , corruption became endemic , economic and social disparities increased , education and health care costs increased several fold , social indicators has not improved drastically  and with increasing subsidies and doling out the money to the gullible people by giving many things for free ,a populist measure to garner votes , they destroyed the working culture of Indian population.
            The economy in jitters  with inflation close to double digits  , no major reforms in many important sectors like finance , railways , manufacturing etc , the policy paralysis in the past 2-3 years owing to the unearthing of various scams by the CAG  is palpable and the twin centers of power theory and the remote control PM arguments have gained acceptance post the release of two books by ex bureaucrats who were very close to the PM have done more damage to the already sinking congress-UPA ship. The vacuum in leadership and lack of vision have created and sustained inefficiencies in both government and governance.

        Owing to all these factors and many more, the anti incumbency factor is palpable all over the country. The recent elections in the 4 northern states and various surveys point out a debacle performance of congress this time. What’s the alternative then?? Are we going to give the reigns to rule the world largest democracy to the self seeking federal govt formed by the coalition of regional parties without any common ideology and vision , where the leaders of each regional party eager to  become the next  PM , where there will be so much infighting to fulfill the interests of their respective states sans India ,or are we going to vote for the NDA which will pave the way for the second generation reforms  India desperately needs and if so , is there a strong leader on whom we can repose our faith and hope for the betterment of our future.??

               At this time, the emergence of a person like modi, the three time CM of Gujarat-a state with 7 cr population, a home grown mass leader coming from modest back ground, one without having any dynastical linkages like the prince and who has got the support by his party in spite of having the stalwarts like advaniji in its kitty,a person with a clean fiscal record  and good administration has been welcomed by many people and me , one of them.

         Why modi?? Because he is the man with proven fiscal honesty, man with planning and ability to execute his plans with conviction, who knows the annals of administration, who can better connect with the masses, an excellent orator with proven track record in establishing good governance structures and in creating jobs. He is a man with vision and clear mission in his mind, seems to be having practical answers to the problems India facing, with unwavering faith and extraordinary patriotism chanting the mantra of development and growth. Probably, it is for the first time that a leader openly comes and talks about development in electioneering process, not just freebies.
         Development does not know caste, creed, sex or religion. Fruits of development will be shared by each one .For it, everybody is equal. It is neither for Hindus nor for any minorities. Congress, since time immemorial has been practicing the minority appeasement but did little to improve their conditions. Having been at the center for 12 long years after the incident has happened and having no other thing to target modi congress flares up the 2002 riots in which, in fact , the SC appointed SIT gave Modi clean chit. It shows the UPA’s disrespect for the democratic institutions. There may be some allegations like he is so autocratic and runs the show one man but nevertheless, having been fed up with the 10 years of indecisiveness of UPA’s PM, people are ready to accept Modi.

        Whatever may be the case, as for me and for many youngsters ,as things stand today , a very strong decisive govt should come at the center under the leadership of Modi to steer India through this most important time and if , this opportunity is missed , there will be a great danger awaiting with fractured coalition govts.

That’s why I say, “ABKI BAR, MODI SARKAR “...

        And when it comes to the development of seemandhra, there is no person better than Chandra Babu , who is also a part of NDA govt and who shares very good similarities with MODI and personal rapport , who is a sheer hard worker and a man with proven track record.